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Seasons & Months

I am confident the love of God
and family will light our
path and our re-newed
faith in the words, for
everything there's a season
and a time for every matter
under heaven.


Months 1

January is such fun! There's lots of coasting to be done. Sometimes we fall off, but then... We get back up and slide again!

February is so nice, skating over slippery ice, making snowballs, snowmen, too. Pleasant things for us to do!

"Spring would not be spring without bird songs." -Francis M. Chapman

There are two things that go into the make-up of friendship. The one is truth. The other is understanding.

Happy bluebirds perch and sing, to welcome the return of Spring!

Celebrate the charm of June with a bouquet of the season's first flowers.

Hope yours is sprinkled with old fashioned fun... chasing fireflies, watching fireworks, going to the beach and family picnics. Enjoy your summer!

"Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the soul." -Luther Burbank

School bells are ringing as summer days grow shorter. A countdown to winter will soon be in order. So enjoy your September... the doorway to Autumn and all of its splendor!

October brings the bright leaves down. They cover country, field and town. We heap them with our rake, you see, then jump in them delightedly!

November piles the cornstalks high, And gives pumpkins ripe for pie. When Jack Frost nips at nose and ear, We know Thanksgiving is almost here!

December has rolled 'round so fast And Christmas time is here at last. We give our gifts with glad and good cheer and think "Ah, what a happy year!"

Months 2

Come in to the yard and bring your mittens to make the best snowman ever with these cute little kittens!

February is skating over slippery ice, making snowballs, snowmen, too. Fun and pleasant things for everyone of us to do!

As the weather begins to warm and the trees begin to bloom again, it's time to prepare for spring!

April begin the gentle rain making buds peek out again. Early robins sit and sing to welcome the return of spring.

May is planting time we know. Packages of seeds we sow. If we water them with care, We'll have flowers everywhere!

Nothing better than a picnic! It is surely among the delights of Summer

Hoping your Summer is filled with happy times and bright sunshine!

In August we take our fishing pole and walk to our favorite swimming hole. We bait our hook with greatest care, And hope the fish are waiting there!

September makes the bells ring, so pencils books and pads we bring. We study hard, the way we should, For teacher wants us to be good.

Autumn is happiness without cost. It is the time of the year that brings the most beautiful array of colors. Watch for the harvest moon in the Halloween sky!

Apple pies and puddings for Thanksgiving Day delight great and small. May your Thanksgiving joy last year round.

Believe! Wishing you an amazing day and year full of love and blessings.


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